Privacy Policy

It is the policy of Wagyu Yakiniku Ichiro, (collectively "we" or "Our Company"), as one "Data User", in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the laws of the Hong Kong SAR ("Ordinance"). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. Our company safeguard all information provided by web site Users ("Users"). This statement may change from time to time, so please check back periodically. Each time you log in to this website and use its services, you agree to be bound by the statement in force at that time.


Collection of Data

1. You may be asked to provide with personally-identifiable information such as name and e-mail address when you visit are using our website. We have taken steps to ensure that we do not collect more information from you than is necessary for us to provide you with our services and to protect your account. This is necessary to provide you with the various services and activities offered on this website. You are not obliged to supply the data, but if you do not, the services and activities will be unavailable.
If you provide any Personal Data to us, you are deemed to have authorized us to collect, retain and use personal information about you for the following purposes:

a. to monitor use of the web site to help its further development
b. to compile aggregate statistics about our users and to analyze site usage;
c. to collect data for identity verification and record and maintaining contact lists for correspondence;
d. to operate internal control, resolving disputes, troubleshooting problems and enforcing terms of use;
e. to deliver information to you that we believe you may have interest in, such as targeted banners, new services and products and other promotions and marketing materials;
f. to contact you regarding administrative notices and communications relevant to your use of this web site and to respond to your request.
g. to make such disclosures as may be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law.

2. You further agree that we may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) your Personal Data to third party services providers engaged by us to assist with providing you with our services (including managing our customer database, sending you promotional materials, and customer services) (“Third Party Service Providers”). These Third Party Service Providers are under a duty of confidentiality to us and are only permitted to use your Personal Data in connection with the purposes specified at clause 1 above, and not for their own purposes (including direct marketing).
3. We may share aggregate data that does not allow to you to be identified with third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising), and may use this data in order to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt our products and services.
4. Any Personal Data supplied by you will be retained by us and will be accessible by our employees and any Third Party Service Providers engaged by us, for or in relation to any of the purposed stated in clause 3 herein.
5. We make every effort to protect the privacy of Users, but given the nature of the Internet, it cannot guarantee perfect security.
6. Users have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486). You have the right to request access to, or correction of, information about you which is held by us, by paying us the reasonable charges incurred by us in relation to administering and complying with your request. If you need to check whether we hold your personal information or if you wish to have access to, or correct any information relating to you which is inaccurate, please write via e-mail to our Marketing Department at